True Story

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True Story

Can you imagine waking up one morning to the sound of your front door crashing open and hearing the screams of your family?

Police voices yell your name as you become paralyzed with fear. Handcuffed and blindfolded you are thrown into the back of a police car. Your parents watch in stunned silence as the police car taillights disappear down the city street.
You knew the risks of becoming a Christian believer. Would you change your mind now? That’s the question Mohammed asked himself as he speed to an uncertain future.

Mohammed’s life was forever changed when he decided to follow Jesus. His family struggled in disbelief and denial. The girl he loved, Amira, could never find out or their lives would be in danger. So Mohammed’s journey of over three years of persecution brought him to the brink of death over and over, yet, his new faith never failed.

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